Transforming Compliance with AI: Insights from Larry Shumbres on Jason Pereira’s Podcast

by | Sep 3, 2024 | Media

At Archive Intel, we’re proud to be at the forefront of AI-driven compliance solutions. Recently, our CEO, Larry Shumbres, sat down with Jason Pereira on his podcast to discuss how Archive Intel is revolutionizing the compliance landscape. Larry shared how our AI-powered platform streamlines the archiving of communications across various channels, addressing the inefficiencies of traditional methods.

He highlighted the strategic focus on the financial sector, the role of AI in reducing false positives, and the importance of security and compliance in AI deployment. The discussion also touched on Archive Intel’s ongoing innovation and future plans to further enhance compliance processes.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of AI and compliance. To learn more about how Archive Intel is setting new standards in the industry, check out the full podcast episode here.

Everything you need for compliance, zero headaches